Thursday, December 26, 2019

Why Self-Esteem Isnt Based on Childhood - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2318 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/08/02 Category Sociology Essay Level High school Tags: Self Esteem Essay Did you like this example? Abstract This paper reports findings from several psychological journals that explain how self-esteem is not entirely based on a persons childhood because humans ultimately have the free-will to choose how much they value themselves. The varying sections of this research will analyze the process of self-esteem development on the human brain, specifically in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), as well as the effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACE) on self-esteem development. It will also focus on and social anxiety disorder (SAD) throughout adulthood as a consequence of an emotionally scarred childhood of an individual, and to what extent it inflicts damage on the further development of self-esteem in an individual.. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Why Self-Esteem Isnt Based on Childhood" essay for you Create order Keywords: Self-esteem, anterior cingulate cortex, adverse childhood experiences, social anxiety disorder, free-will Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The concept of self-esteem is processed in the mind of an individual based on the paradigms they have created for themselves. It has nothing to do with their looks, culture, or their personality. Instead, they attain their view of themselves through the evaluation of the social feedback they are receiving, or self-comparison, which allows for their adaptation to the environment in which they are surrounded. It is this process of evaluation that determines whether said individual will have a low or high self-esteem. However, self-esteem does not live solely in thoughts or feelings. It has a deep impact in the formation of the human brain, and therefore, it is for this very reason, that we researched and hypothesized that self-esteem is not entirely based on a persons childhood (regardless of how their brain formed during their childhood development),   because humans ultimately have the free-will to choose how much they value themselves, thus taking advantage of the human brains neuroplasticity. Brain Development   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although there has not been much research done on the volumetric analysis of self-esteem on the brain, the sole published volumetric analysis of self-esteem to our knowledge has revealed that persons with low self-esteem possess reduced hippocampal volume. This may contribute to their lowered resilience, since reduced hippocampal volume has been implicated in vulnerability to stress (Agroskin, Jonas, and Klackl 2014). The hippocampus is responsible for long-term memory, and an individual with low self-esteem is usually more predisposed stress, which can affect the structure of the brain and its function, in this case; it can be attributed to memory loss and poor coping ability in the brain to deal with new information. Furthermore, the hippocampus isnt the only area of the brain affected by the reigns of self-esteem. The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is a region of the human brain that holds responsibility for emotional regulation and is wrapped in a brain tissue known as grey matter. Grey matter, on the other hand, contains the majority of the brains neurons, which are cells that transmit nerve impulses. The amounts of this brain tissue can vary between individuals. However, reduced grey matter volume in the ACC has been found to underlie difficulty in regulating negative emotion, [ ] there is evidence of decreased grey matter volume in the ACC in persons with a strong inclination to ruminate, which is an important mediator of the relationship between low self-esteem and depression (Agroskin, Jonas, Klackl, 2014). Constant ruminating, or deliberately thinking about a negative event, has detrimental effects of the neurological activity of the brain, which leads to an ineffective regulation of emo tions. This is attributed to decreasing the self-esteem of an individual, as they lose control of their emotions and their ability to distinguish between rational and irrational thoughts. Moreover, the functioning of the ACC is also transformed based on cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression. Cognitive reappraisal, is an emotion regulation strategy that is positively related to self-esteem [and is] positively linked to ACC volume (Agroskin, Jonas, and Klackl, 2014). However, while cognitive reappraisal involves adapting to a particular circumstance and shifting the brains paradigm towards a certain event, suppression causes an individual to act impulsively and based on their emotions, rather than using logic and attempting to think clearly and make appropriate choices. Suppression does very little, if anything at all, for adapting to the different circumstances an individual is encountered with and prevents the positive shifting of paradigms that offer rationality. As a result, reappraisal is positively associated with self-esteem, while suppression is negatively associated with the latter (Agroskin, Jonas, and Klackl, 2014). Taking this under consideration, we decided to analyze the development of self-esteem in children, adults, ad determine the role of free will in the transformation of internal brain structures. Children Extensive research on self-esteem has demonstrated that it originates from actual own/ideal own discrepancies, which are differences as to how a person wish they were and how they really are. These discrepancies have been demonstrated to make a person more vulnerable to dejection-related emotions as well as to lower self-esteem levels (Keshky and Samak, 2017). As for children, this is no different. Children become more sensitive to inconsistent information, with discrepancies between self-relevant beliefs and others standpoints turning out into potentially stressing psychological situations and feelings of guilt and embarrassment. The social environment in which a child is raised can determine a lot about their self-esteem. If they were to live and grow in a constant state of fear of dejection or embarrassment, because they are not living up to their own ideas of what they should be, then the child will not be able to function properly when faced with social situations. Developmental ly, [ ] global self-esteem precedes rather than follows domain-specific evaluations in young children. Thus, young children appraise themselves in terms of good and bad. It is only later, from middle to late childhood, that boys and girls gradually develop the ability to compare themselves with others and take into account feedback from significant others, when they evaluate themselves (Keshky and Samak, 2017). Although in their beginning stages of childhood, they will create their own images of what their ideal self is, it is when reaching the middle and end of their childhood that they will determine how distant they actually are from becoming that ideal self, based on the feedback of others around them. And, although a child may report that their self-esteem levels are high, the stability of it can actually range from low to moderate (Orth, Robins, and Trzesniewski, 2010). In brief, developmental trajectories of self-esteem and self-discrepancies are not parallel, although they b oth depend on cognitive as well as social competences that children acquire progressively. In fact, in late childhood, boys and girls can evaluate themselves in terms of self-worth at both global and domain-specific levels. Conversely, it is only from early adolescence on that conflicting self-representations become relevant in the self-system. It remains to be explored the direction of the association between self-esteem and self-discrepancies in late childhood, that is, years of transition, during which aspects of the self-system are rapidly changing. Furthermore, the social development of a child is believed to have potentially life-long consequences on them. For instance, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)which are stressful or traumatic events, including abuse and neglect, occurring during childhood or adolescencemay lead to a wide range of physical and psychological health issues throughout a persons lifespan. Children with ACEs, develops poor relation skills and low self-esteem, which may increase the likelihood of interpersonal problems and physical aggression in adult life (Orth, Robins, and Trzesniewski, 2010). Adulthood   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The development of self-esteem in adults is usually not focused towards appearance, or personality traits, in contrast to the way in which it is fomented in childhood. Instead, in adulthood, individuals increasingly occupy positions of power and status, which might promote feelings of self-esteem (Orth, Robins, and Trzesniewski, 2010). However, it can be still externally oriented, depending on how the individual was raised. Whether it be in pleasing other people, similar to how a child attempts to please their parents, or to feel valued by others, to some extent, like a child wants to be rewarded by their parents. However, if instead of looking for external approval to reinforce the strength of their self-esteem, they would look inward for sources of positive self-esteem, personality changes that occur during adulthood tend to reflect movement toward higher levels of maturity and adjustment, as indicated by increases in traits such (Orth, Robins, and Trze sniewski, 2010). Having an external locus of control on self-esteem, can lead to an individual constantly dealing with rejection or disappointment, because their paradigm of how the word should be and how they should be accepted are not always aligned with reality. Therefore, if they place that locus of control into something more stable, like their internal self, they would feel much more accomplished and would find it easier to maintain a high self-esteem. The process of finding self-worth is facilitated once the individual begins their process by looking within and seeing how they are pleased with themselves, and not how others are pleased with them being themselves.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nonetheless, the process of changing from an external to an internal source of self-esteem can become difficult for individuals who have not been provided with proper emotional support in their childhood development. Adults who have been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder (SAD), are characterized by persistent fear of social or performance situations in which an individual is at risk for embarrassment, humiliation, or possible scrutiny by unfamiliar persons (Goldin, Gross, Heimberg, Kuo, and Werner, 2011). By definition, this condition should completely prevent the development of a healthy self-esteem, as the individuals are constantly afraid of the rejection that could possibly arise in the social environment they find themselves in. Instead of focusing internally, they look to the external world for validation, but go through the constant fear of not being good enough for those around them. Furthermore, findings from family studies demonstrate a str ong association between social anxiety in parent and offspring [interactions] and, the impact of social learning experiences has been suggested as a key environmental factor contributing to the development of the disorder and has received substantial empirical attention. Prospective studies have found that parental overprotection, rejection, and lack of warmth are associated with offspring SAD (Goldin, Gross, Heimberg, Kuo, and Werner, 2011). This fear of not pleasing everyone encountered, is mostly attributed to ineffective or even toxic parenting tactics from behalf of the individuals parents. Therefore, as mentioned before, individuals who constantly ruminate of negative situations, and have an inability to change their paradigms, in this case the ones they created in their childhood, are often found to have low levels of self-esteem, and if they continue the cycle of fear, frustration, and rumination, they will not be able to change the way they view themselves to a more positiv e light. Free will  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is no doubt in the neurological community that the brain changes based on the conditions of its host. For instance, in a study with cats, cats that were blinded in one eye had changed their brain formation to process visual information from the eye that could see (Askenasy and Lehmann, 2013). However, when it comes to humans, what does it take for this process of transforming the brain take place? The transformation of thoughts themselves. The process is simple, although putting it into place is more challenging. According to John Searle, a philosopher and advocate for science, there is no problem in changing consciousness and by that causing the brain to change. A change can be made in the highest level of the brain system or in its lowest level, and the results will include changes in both neurons and consciousness (Askenasy and Lehmann, 2013).   When an individual changes the way they interact with their conscious mind through consciously refra ming their thoughts, they slowly begin to create changes in their brain structures. Extensive brain analysis has proven that the brain can change itself and it has a self-healing capacity, which means that in general it can both improve and cure itselfat least to a certain extent (Askenasy and Lehmann, 2013). The brain has a process through which I could heal itself, therefore, if an individual chooses to use a different approach to dealing with negative thoughts, conceptions, and feedback, they can ultimately change their internal brain structure and heal their anterior cingulate cortex by and increasing the levels of grey matter found in it, which is correlated to higher levels of self-esteem and better emotional control and coping. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although the development of self-esteem in children and adults are focused on different processes, ultimately, childhood does have an impact on the self-esteem of an adult individual. However, through the ability of the brain to transform, an individual can actually change the way their brains process negative feedback and, can also change the brains internal structure to increase or decrease the grey matter found present in the ACC, which plays a large role on self-esteem levels, through their thoughts. Humans are built with the skills, they just need to choose to use them. Therefore, our hypothesis that self-esteem is not entirely based on a persons childhood, because humans ultimately have the free-will to choose how much they value themselves, was proven to be true. However, we recommend that further research is ensued, so that we could attain full understanding of the extents to which childhood development impacts self-esteem in adults. References Agroskin, D., Klackl, J., Jonas, E. (2014). The Self-Liking Brain: A VBM Study on the Structural Substrate of Self-Esteem. PLoS ONE, 9(1). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086430 Askenasy, J., Lehmann, J. (2013). Consciousness, brain, neuroplasticity. Frontiers in Psychology, 4. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00142 Keshky, M., Samak, Y. (2017). The Development of Self Esteem in Children: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Psychology Behavior Analysis, 3(1). doi:10.15344/2455-3867/2017/128 Kuo, J. R., Goldin, P. R., Werner, K., Heimberg, R. G., Gross, J. J. (2011). Childhood trauma and current psychological functioning in adults with social anxiety disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 25(4), 467-473. doi:10.1016/j.janxdis.2010.11.011 Orth, U., Robins, R. W., Trzesniewski, K. H., Maes, J., Schmitt, M. (2009). Low self-esteem is a risk factor for depressive symptoms from young adulthood to old age. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 118(3), 472-478. doi:10.1037/a0015922

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Animal Farm a Fairy Story - 1230 Words

Jennifer Gonzalez Mrs. Metzger Class 212 April 18, 2012 Animal Farm: A Fairy Story Chapter 3 and 4 5. Topics Themes: power to control others a. Almost all the animals were in some degree literate. The pigs know how to read and write perfectly, most of the animals know how to read and write, expect for some slower ones that don’t know how to write or read. Literacy matters because it helps better understand the animals whats going on and to educate others. Those that know how to read and write are in power because they are the ones who are most intelligent and understand what is happening. b. Snowball declared that the Seven Commandments could be reduced to one commandment. This new maxim is†¦show more content†¦The pigs get up an hour later because they need their rest to improve the farm. This might represents b. The pigs represent the leaders of Russia and the communist dictatorship in Russia (Soviet Union). c. Squealer manipulates the language of the Fourth Commandment by telling Muriel that they are sleeping on the beds but with no sheets because they are manm ade. Instead they are sleeping on blankets. He tries to confuse Muriel and tell him that sheets and blankets are different. 8. Scapegoating: a. The windmill is destroyed when it was nearly half built. I believe that one of the humans may have tampered with it or that the animals didn’t make the structure sturdy enough. b. Snowball is being blamed for the destruction of the windmill. c. The significance of using Snowball as a scapegoat is because he is already seem bad in front of the animals and many know that many still believe in Snowball and want to ruin their hopes. Also because since he isn’t there they want to pinpoint it on someone who they think would want to harm them. Chapter 7 2. Topics and Themes: Power to control others –turning on one another a. Snowball was supposed to be tampering with everyone’s things. He was destroying and damaging the animals property and telling the animals what to do. b. Squealer finally convinced Boxer that Snowball was a traitor because Squealer told Boxer that Napoleon had said that Snowball was a traitor and BoxerShow MoreRelatedAnimal Farm: A Fairy Story: Why do you think Orwell chose to use a fable in his condemnation of Soviet communism and totalitarianism?1786 Words   |  8 Pagescalled animal farm: a fairy story and was most likely based on the Russian Revolution which occurred during 1917 to 1945. There are many reasons to which why George Orwell would have used a fable in his condemnation of Soviet communism and totalitarianism. George Orwell used talking animals to show their interaction of these animals to help link things about humans that he can link to animals in the world. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Acid Rain (1229 words) Essay Example For Students

Acid Rain (1229 words) Essay Acid RainPollution comes in various forms. Whether its toxic waste, CFCs, orsewage, they are all hazardous, to the earth. These can deplete the earth andits inhabitants of resources, causing a harmful change. A product ofpollution is acid rain. We shall see that acidification is harmful to all formsof life. Acid rain is any form of precipitation that is polluted by sulphurdioxide (SO2), and nitrogen oxides (NOX). This acid precipitation can be in theform of rain, snow, sleet, fog, or cloud vapors. The acidity of substancesdissolved in water are measured by their pH levels. Normal precipitation pHlevels fall between 5.0-5.6.2 When levels fall below these numbers, then theprecipitation is said to be acidic. There are two ways in which acid depositioncan form. The first way occurs when nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide land onthe Earths surface, and interact with frost or dew. The second way takesplace due to the oxidation of nitrogen oxides or sulphur dioxide gases that arereleased i nto the air.3 Since it may take up to several days for the gases to bealtered into their acid counter-parts, the pollutants can travel miles away fromtheir original source. Emissions of (SO2) are responsible for the majority ofthe acid deposition, which falls to Earth. When we burn coal, we are releasing(SO2), into the air, since coal is slight made up of sulphur. Volcanic eruptionscan add a great deal of sulphur into the atmosphere. Everyday organic decay addssulphur into the air as well. (SO2) can hit the Earths surface in dry formsor wet forms, by undergoing the following reactions: (SO2 + H20 *** H2SO3) (SO2+ ?O2 *** SO3 + H2SO4)2 Human activity is the major cause for nitrogenoxides presence in our atmosphere, such as forest fires and the combustion ofoil, coal, and gas. The other causes are due to nature. Lightning, volcanicaction, and bacteria in soil are just to name a few. The following chemicalreactions show how acids of nitrogen form: (NO2 + ?O2 *** NO2) (2NO2 + H2O ***HNO 2 + HNO3) (NO2 + OH *** HNO3)2 Acid rain can affect plant life directly whenthe surface of leaves and needles come into contact with acid vapor or fog. Thiscauses a reduction in the trees ability to withstand the cold. A directresult would be the trees incapability of reproduction. It can also harm plantlife indirectly, by the acidification of soils. Acid rain can cause soil toloose nutrients such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium. In very acidconditions, aluminum becomes soluble, and is released from the soil. At highenough concentrations, aluminum can cause damage to roots. Acid rain causes anutrient imbalance, in soil. Although it is true that nitrogen promotes forestgrowth, plant life also needs other nutrients. Precipitation polluted bynitrogen can contain heavy metals, such as mercury, cadmium, and lead. Thisprocess is known as nitrogen saturation.1 These too, can cause damage to treeroots. Besides trees, plants are also affected by acid rain. Reductions in pHlevels can cau se seed germination to be inhibited. Plant structures become weak,due to the loss of nutrients to the plants tissues.4 Flowering of certainplants may not occur due to lack of essential minerals. Marine life is alsogreatly affect by acid rain. Acid water can leach high levels of aluminum fromthe bedrock. Rocks that contain great amounts of calcium or magnesium can act asa neutralizer. Those rocks and soils that lack some sort of buffers can causegrave damage to marine fish and plants. There are two ways in which aluminum canharm aquatic environments. It can cause a fish to suffocate, because aluminumprecipitates in gills, thus interfering in the transport of oxygen. Secondly,fish produce mucus to combat the aluminum, in their gills. The mucus then buildsup a clogs the fishs gills.5 In middle latitudes many bodies of waterexperience what is called acid shock.4 Over the winter acid deposits canbuild up on snow. As the snow melts, the acids are released. Most fish cansurvive shock, but their eggs cannot adapt to acidification. When there is achange in the chemistry of water, the ecology of the water begins to change. Thenumber and variety of species are altered. At a pH level of 6.0 certain types ofzooplankton and green algae begin to disappear. The loss of green plants allowsmore UV light to penetrate to further depths, so certain types of snails andphyto-plankton disappear. Frogs, toads, and salamanders are also affected byacid rain.5 The low pH stunts their growth. Not only does acid rain killspecies, but also it alters the food supply for higher fauna. If there is adecrease in the number of bottom dwelling organisms (benthos), there can be adecline in the number of insects, such as mosquitoes and flies. This puts astress on carnivorous fish. Birds that eat these fish, which may contain highlevels of aluminum, will then produce eggs with soft-shells. Their young willmost likely not survive. Humans are not immune to the effects of acid rain. .u63cd677701f23dcfc979d943a88c80c1 , .u63cd677701f23dcfc979d943a88c80c1 .postImageUrl , .u63cd677701f23dcfc979d943a88c80c1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u63cd677701f23dcfc979d943a88c80c1 , .u63cd677701f23dcfc979d943a88c80c1:hover , .u63cd677701f23dcfc979d943a88c80c1:visited , .u63cd677701f23dcfc979d943a88c80c1:active { border:0!important; } .u63cd677701f23dcfc979d943a88c80c1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u63cd677701f23dcfc979d943a88c80c1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u63cd677701f23dcfc979d943a88c80c1:active , .u63cd677701f23dcfc979d943a88c80c1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u63cd677701f23dcfc979d943a88c80c1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u63cd677701f23dcfc979d943a88c80c1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u63cd677701f23dcfc979d943a88c80c1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u63cd677701f23dcfc979d943a88c80c1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u63cd677701f23dcfc979d943a88c80c1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u63cd677701f23dcfc979d943a88c80c1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u63cd677701f23dcfc979d943a88c80c1 .u63cd677701f23dcfc979d943a88c80c1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u63cd677701f23dcfc979d943a88c80c1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Histories Maladies Essay We will write a custom essay on Acid Rain (1229 words) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now People that are exposed to high concentrations of acidic pollution are known tohave respiratory problems. SO2 can react with water vapor to form fine particlesof sulphate. If inhaled, these particles can cause severe damage to lung tissue. The affect can be a simple cough or chest cold, or as dangerous as asthma orchronic bronchitis. Humans can consume aluminum by drinking water or eatingcrops that have contaminated by acid precipitation. If ingested in largequantities, it can have toxic effects on human health. Many doctors believe thataluminum consumption can lead to Alzheimers disease.1 We see the effects ofacidification everyday. All forms of acid precipitation may damage automotivecoatings. The damaged is mostly observed on newly painted vehicles. It is theevaporation of acidic moisture that causes the damage. Many headstones andbuildings and statues, such as the Statue of Liberty, are affected in the sameway. Acid deposition can cause fading of these structures. Churches andcathedrals also suffer.3 The United States is trying to take care of thisproblem through environmental legislation. Title IV of the Clean Air ActAmendments of 1990, calls for a 10 million ton reduction in the number ofemissions of sulfur dioxi de.3 One way of reducing emissions is lowering theproduction of sulphate aerosol cans. Since this act was passed, hospitals havewitnessed a significantly lower number of cases of respiratory problems. Thereare other ways that we can alleviate the problems of acid deposition. A processknown as liming can increase the pH levels of bodies of water.2 Large quantitiesof hydrated lime are added to the water. The best way to solve the problemscaused by acid deposition is for industries to try to limit the emissions ofpollutants. There has been two ways in which industries have done this. Severalcompanies have switched to using fuels that have a low sulphur content. Otherindustries have used buffers on the tops of their smokestacks, to reduce theamount of (SO2) in the air.4 There is no way that we can totally eliminate aciddeposition. We as humans, are not the only creators of this problem. Over theyears, there has been an increase in the amount of annual precipitation. We canchange our way s of production to help decrease the amount of acid precipitation,but then that would be greatly affecting our way of life. More then the acidrain itself does. Just like the cycle of affects the acid rain has on aquaticand terrestrial systems, there is the same type of cycle viewed when it comes tohuman life.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Prescription Drugs free essay sample

A pharmacist is a person who is professionally qualified to prepare and dispense medicinal drugs. Pharmacists work in a hospital, clinic or community drug store. Pharmacist duties include constantly studying and learning about the properties and side effects of new drugs and communicating this information to doctors and patients. According to Mike Johnston in The Pharmacy Technician Foundation and Practices book pharmacy is the art and science of preparing and dispensing medication().According to the article â€Å"Pharmacists† on the Bureau of Labor Statistic internet site pharmacists dispense patients’ prescription medicine and offer advice on medicine’s safe use. Pharmacists verify instructions from physicians on the proper amounts of medication to give to patients and fill prescriptions. They check if the drug will interact negatively with other drugs that the patient is currently taking or the condition the patient may have. When the patient comes to pick up their prescription the pharmacist may instruct the patient on how to take the medication and the potential side effects of the medication. We will write a custom essay sample on Prescription Drugs or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The pharmacist must complete insurance forms and work with insurance companies to be sure that patients get the medicines they need. Pharmacists also oversee the work of pharmacy technicians and interns. Pharmacists may work with and teach other healthcare practitioners about proper medication therapies for patients (Bureau â€Å"Pharmacist†). According to the article â€Å"Pharmacist Facts and Tools† on the U. S. PharmD internet site, pharmacists participate in multidisciplinary clinical care teams (U. S. PharmD Pharmacists).Pharmacists take continuing education throughout their career to keep up with the latest advances in pharmacological science. According to the article â€Å"Pharmacists† on the Bureau of Labor Statistic internet site pharmacists must have a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm. D. ) degree from an accredited school. Pharmacists must also be licensed. In order to become licensed one is required to pass two exams. One of the exams is in pharmacy knowledge and skills and the other is in pharmacy law in the state giving the pharmacy license.All Doctor of Pharmacy programs require applicants to have taken postsecondary courses such as chemistry, biology, and anatomy. Applicants must have two to three years of undergraduate study. Applicants must also have a bachelor’s degree for some programs. Pharm. D. programs usually take three to four years to finish. Courses in pharmacology and medical ethics are included in the Pharm. D. programs. Pharmacists must also have supervised work experiences in different settings, which include hospitals and retail pharmacies.In order to seek an advanced pharmacy position, such as a clinical pharmacy or research job, pharmacists must complete a one to two year residency following their Pharm. D. While some pharmacists that own their own store may choose to get a master’s degree in business administration others may get a degree in public health (Bureau â€Å"Pharmacists†). According to the article â€Å"Pharmacists† on the Bureau of Labor Statistic internet site from the year 2010 to 2020 the employment of pharmacists is expected to increase by twenty five percent. The employment as of the year 2010 is 247,900.The projected employment in 2020 is said to be 344,600. The employment change from 2010-2020 is 69,700. More people are expected to get insurance coverage for medications. Since the number of older people is increasing this occupation is in demand. New pharmacists should expect good job prospects because a significant number of pharmacists are expected to retire in the coming decade. Demand is likely to increase for pharmacists in physicians offices, nursing homes, and outpatient care centers as well. This is because older people use more prescription medicines than younger people use(Bureau â€Å"Pharmacist†).According to the article Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians: Facts and Figures on the Department for Professional Employees internet site about 10,000 baby boomers will reach retirement age every day over the next twenty years (Department Pharmacists). According to the article â€Å"Pharmacists† on the Bureau of Labor Statistic internet site more pharmacists will be needed to inform patients on how to use their medication safely as health care continues to become more complex and as more people are now taking multiple medications.The scientific advances will lead to new drug products. More people may get insurance coverage for their medications (Bureau â€Å"Pharmacist†). According to the article â€Å"Pharmacist Facts and Toolsâ₠¬  on the U. S. PharmD internet site, new drugs are appearing at a faster rate. Most of these new drugs have gained almost immediate widespread acceptance. This requires continual updating of the pharmacists information base and the need to maintain ongoing skills in counseling patients and other members of health care teams (U.S. PharmD Pharmacists). According to the article Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians: Facts and Figures on the Department for Professional Employees internet site employment for pharmacists between 2008 and 2018 is expected to grow faster than the average for all occupations. While demand has slowed down the last two years, overall, trends indicate that job openings created by employment growth and the need to replace workers who retire or leave will exceed the number of degrees granted in pharmacy.Pharmacy services are still in demand due to their structural importance in the health care delivery system, despite the tough economic times and decreasing sales growth. In the year 2008, independent and community pharmacies represented an $88 billion marketplace. They sold thirty-seven percent of all nationwide pharmaceuticals (Department Pharmacists). Pharmacists have very well salaries. According to the article Pharmacist on the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics internet site the median annual wage as of May 2010 for pharmacists was $111,570. Pharmacists receive $53. 64 per hour. Pharmacists in the lower ten percent earned less than $82,090 while pharmacists in the top ten percent earned more than $138,620. The majority of pharmacists work full time. This is due to the fact that pharmacies are often open at all hours. Some pharmacists may work nights and weekends (Bureau â€Å"Pharmacist†). According to the article Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians: Facts and Figures on the Department for Professional Employees internet site median earnings vary minimally for pharmacists when the specific type of employment is considered.In the year 2010, the median wages for pharmacists ranged from $107,530 to $112,860 in places such as drug stores, grocery stores, department stores, general medical and surgical hospitals, and other general stores (Department Pharmacists). Prescription drugs have their place in our medically advanced society. According to the article The Pros and Cons of Prescription Drugs on the Livestrong internet site there are a large number of disease that people would die from if it was not for prescription drugs.An unspecified amount of prescription drugs seem to make life easier when you have a small ailment such as the flu or a cough. Prescription drugs have a dark side as well. From too many prescription drugs dealt by the hands of responsible pharmacists and doctors can stem serious misuse, dependency and addiction. The pros and cons of prescription drugs must be carefully weighed before making a decision of whether or not to take them (Livestrong Pros). One advantage for prescription drugs are for cures and remedies. According to the article The Pros and Cons Of Prescription Drugs on the Livestrong internet site prescription drugs can often be the answer for life-threatening conditions including high cholesterol, high blood pressure or even cancer. There are a number of people whose lives are saved daily because of prescription drugs because these drugs help stimulate and mimic a well-functioning body. Without prescription drugs they would have a lower quality of life and even risk death (Livestrong Pros). Another advantage of prescription drugs are for short term solution.According to the article The Pros and Cons Of Prescription Drugs on the Livestrong internet site not all prescription drugs are used to treat serious illnesses. From time to time an unspecified amount of prescription drugs are used to treat small ailments with excellent success. Prescription drugs that are only used while the patient is sick includes antibiotics for infections, flu medication and prescription cough medicine. An unspecified amount of prescription drugs cure ailment, while other prescription drugs make it easier to live with so that the patient can tolerate the sickness.When dealing with short-term illnesses prescription drugs make life simply easier (Livestrong Pros). According to the article The Pros and Cons of the FDA Drug Investigation on the Fox News internet site an advantage of the Food and Drug administration is that public awareness may grow about drugs that are commonly misused. The Food and Drug Administration is now being held to a higher standard of disclosure, and this way the public can track its thinking and investigate processes rather than just being shocked by news reports of unpredicted black box warnings.This may lead to physicians being more cautious when prescribing new treatments without considering the potential adverse effects (Fox Pros). A disadvantage of prescription drugs is their potential to be addictive. According to the article Prescription Drugs on the N ational Institute on Drug Abuse internet site prescription drug abuse means taking a prescription drug that is not prescribed for a person, or a person taking prescription drugs for reasons or in dosages other than as they are prescribed. Abuse of prescription drugs can produce serious health effects, including addiction (National Prescription).According to the article The Pros and Cons of Prescription Drugs on the Livestrong internet site an unspecified amount of people who take prescription drugs that were only meant for a short amount of time find themselves dependent upon them unfortunately. Dosages, length of time on the prescribed drug and the type of prescribed drug can all contribute to the chance that the patient can become addicted to the prescribed drug. Drugs prescribed for insomnia and pain that are also narcotics especially put patients at risk for dependency.Unfortunately not all health professionals are as cautious and as careful as they should be when prescribing these drugs (Livestrong Pro). According to the article Prescription Drugs on the National Institute on Drug Abuse internet site commonly abused classes of prescription drugs include opioids, central nervous system depressants, and stimulants . Opioids are prescribed drugs used for pain. Opioids include hydrocodone (Vicodin), oxycodone (OxyContin), oxymorphone (Opana), propoxyphene (Darvon), hydromorphone (Dilaudid), meperidine (Demerol), and diphenoxylate (Lomotil) (National Prescription).According to the article Prescription Drug Abuse on the Kidshealth internet site opiods abuse can lead to vomiting, mood changes, decrease in ability to think, and even decreased respiratory function, coma, or death (Kidshealth Prescription). According to the article Prescription Drugs on the National Institute on Drug Abuse internet site central nervous system depressants include pentobarbital sodium (Nembutal), diazepam (Valium), and aplrazolam (Xanax) (National Prescription).According to the article Prescription Drug Abuse on the Kidshealth internet site central nervous system depressants have risks too. When a person abruptly stops or reduces the drug too quickly can lead to seizures. When a person takes these central nervous system depressants with other medication, such as p rescription pain killers, some over-the-counter cold and allergy medications, or alcohol can slow a persons breathing and heartbeat and even kill the person (Kidshealth Prescription).According to the article Prescription Drugs on the National Institute on Drug Abuse internet site stimulants include dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine) and Methylphenidate (Ritalin and Concerta) (National Prescription). According to the article Prescription Drug Abuse on the Kidshealth internet site abusing stimulants like most attention deficient hyperactivity disorder drugs may cause heart failure or seizures. These risks are increased when stimulants are mixed with other medications.When a person takes too much of a stimulant it can lead a person to develop a dangerously high body temperature or an irregular heartbeat. If a person is taking several high doses over a short amount of time may cause a drug abuser to be aggressive or paranoid. Even though stimulant abuse might not lead to physical dependence and withdrawal, the feelings these drugs give people can cause them to use the drugs more and more often so they become a habit that is hard to break (Kidshealth Prescription). Another disadvantage of prescribed drugs are misuse.According to the article The Pros and Cons of Prescription Drugs on the Livestrong internet site prescription drugs are subject to misuse by those who were not intended to take the prescribed drug. Once the prescription has been written out and filled, it is no longer in the doctors hands. In an effort to feel some of the side effects of the prescribed drug adults and teenagers take prescription drugs that were not intended for them. Having these prescription drugs in the home means easy access and pill-sharing among friends.Easy access to these prescribed drugs can cause serious injury and even death from misuse and overdose (Livestrong Pros). According to the article Prescription Drug Abuse on the Kidshealth internet site some people experiment with prescription drugs because they think the drugs will help them have more fun, lose weight, fit in, and even study more efficiently. In a 2009 survey from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows that prescription drug abuse is on the rise, with twenty percent of teenagers saying that they have taken a prescription drug without a doctors prescription.Abuse may also be because an unspecified amount of people believe that prescription drugs are safer and less addictive than street drugs. But prescription drugs are only safe for the individuals who actually have prescriptions for them because the doctor has examined these people and prescribed the right dose of medication for their specific medical condition (Kidshealth Prescription). The bottom line is that there is a time and place for prescription drugs. When a person takes the prescribed drug properly, the drugs can enhance a persons life and make ailments easier to deal with.On the contrary when a person misuses prescription drugs it becomes a problem in a society with a general attitude that if a doctor prescribes it, it must be suitable for anyone to take it. The usage of prescription drugs should be carefully monitored by health care providers. When prescription drugs are in a persons home the drug should be secured without easy access. The only person who should be taking a prescribed medication is the person whose name is on the prescribed bottle in the correct dosages.